Select Board

The Blue Hill Select Board manages the Town’s affairs within parameters set by Maine state law and by the Town’s legislative body (all citizens registered to vote in the Town).

Day-to-day administration of municipal affairs has been delegated to the Town Administrator, who should generally be the first point of contact for any questions, requests or comments.


The Select Board generally meets every Monday evening at 5:30pm at Town Hall, and occasionally holds “working sessions” at other times. All of these meetings, to the extent practicable, are listed on the Town calendar.

Select Board meetings are generally open to the public (except for duly-called Executive Sessions). Participation in these meetings by the public is at the discretion of the Select Board, but there is generally time allotted to hear public comment.

Alternatively, members of the public may request that a subject of interest or concern to them be placed on the Select Board meeting agenda. This request should be made to the Town Administrator.

Members/Contact Information

The Select Board consists of five elected members, with staggered terms. Current members of the Select Board are listed on the Town directory, together with contact information.