Budget Committee


The Blue Hill Budget Committee is responsible for reviewing the Town’s finances and providing an independent perspective on the Select Board and School Committee recommendations to Town voters.

The Budget Committee acts:

  • through its discussions with the Select Board and School Committee as the Town budget and any other appropriations are being formulated, and
  • through recommendations, generally reproduced in the warrant accompanying a Town Meeting and, before the Annual Town Meeting, a Budget Committee report discussing the current year’s budget and the Committee’s perspective on the Town’s finances in general.


Members of the Budget Committee often join Select Board meetings when there are budgetary matters to be discussed. They also generally participate in public hearings in advance of Town Meetings and in the Town Meetings themselves.

Members/Contact Information

Current members of the Budget Committee are listed on the Town directory, together with contact information.

The Budget Committee welcomes input from Blue Hill voters on any matter within the purview of the Committee’s responsibilities.