What Goes Where at the Transfer Station?

The Transfer Station is operated to maximize recycling, and to reduce the overall cost to each participating town, by prioritizing recycling of valuable commodities, providing a single-sort capability for other recyclables, and a general municipal waste receptacle for everything else. Remember: Every ton of general municipal waste currently costs the town, and we generate thousands of tons per year.

1. Metal

Metal items should be placed on the Metal Pile. The contents of this pile are sold in bulk to metal recyclers over the course of the year

2. Cardboard and Glass

Cardboard can be sold to recyclers at a profit and glass can be crushed and used as inert fill locally. These should be placed in the labeled bins in the long recycling shed. Everything that goes in here stays out of a landfill!

3. Single-sort recycling

All other recyclables should be placed in the Single-sort Recycling Container. Everything collected in this container is sent to Eco-Maine for sorting and recycling. The towns pay for this disposal, but it’s good for the environment!

4. General Municipal Waste

Everything else (except for special items listed below) should be placed in one of the General Municipal Waste Containers. This is among our most expensive waste and, while some of this waste may be used in waste-to-energy systems in the future, it is currently being sent to a landfill. Bad for the environment, and expensive as well.

Other, Special Waste Types

The Transfer Station can accept, subject to certain conditions, some other items that aren’t accepted in the other categories. Read more.