
The Town of Blue Hill operates three cemeteries:

  • “Founders” cemetery on Union Street;
  • “Seaside” cemetery on East Blue Hill Road; and
  • “Mountainview” cemetery on Tamworth Farm Road.

Cemetery Association

The Town cemeteries are supported by the Blue Hill Cemetery Association.

Purchase of Right to Use Lots

Burial lots are available in the Seaside and Mountainview cemeteries. Parties interested in purchasing a right of use in one of these lots should contact the Town Office, which can assist in identifying the available lots and coordinate with the Cemetery Sexton to mark lots for which a right of use has been sold.


The Town’s Cemetery Sexton is responsible for tracking the status of the various burial lots in each of the cemeteries and with coordinating the interment of remains.


The Select Board has adopted a set of Rules and Regulations governing various aspects of the Town cemetery operations: