Public Consultation: Finger Floats

Public input will be solicited at the March 17 Select Board meeting on the town’s plan to replace the four “finger floats” at the South Blue Hill wharf. All interested members of the public are invited to join, in person or remotely, to express their views on the plan.

Having replaced the large floats at South Blue Hill in spring 2024, the joint Marine Resources Committee/Select Board plan is to solicit proposals this month for replacement the remaining floats this spring. Any parties interested in making a proposal to construct and deliver the floats can contact Town Administrator Julie Atwell ( to provide qualifications and references.

The town appropriated its 50% share of the required funds at last April’s Town Meeting; the remaining 50% of the cost will come from a MaineDOT Small Harbor Improvement Project (SHIP) grant. One of the provisions of the grant award, is that the public be given this opportunity to comment on the project.