News tagged: Public Hearings

News items announcing public hearings. These items are typically tagged with a category identifying the body holding the hearing.

Proposed “Street Tree” Policy

As part of an effort to make its practices clearer and more consistent, the Select Board plans to codify its “street tree” policy—particularly which tree care costs will be borne by the Town and which will not.

The Select Board expects to consider adoption of a policy at its September 16 meeting. Prior to doing so, however, the Board hereby invites public comment on the proposed policy, either via an email to or, in person, at the September 16 Select Board meeting.

In short, proposed policy provides that the Town will pay for 100% of the costs of caring for trees on Town property and 50% of the cost of care for trees in a public right of way (with the other 50% to be paid by the property owner). Care for trees on private property outside of the public right of way are the responsibility of the private property owner.

Traffic Ordinance Hearing Postponed

The public hearing for amendments to the Blue HIll Traffic Ordinance, originally scheduled for August 19, has been postponed (to provide more time to refine the proposed draft ordinance). No new date has been identified.

The public will receive at least seven days’ advance notice of the hearing, when it is scheduled, via the Town website and physical notices at the Town Hall and Hannaford’s. Copies of the draft ordinance also will be available at that time.

Public Hearing: Blue Hill Traffic Ordinance

The Select Board is considering amending the Blue Hill Traffic Ordinance and will hold a public hearing to receive public comment on a proposal to repeal and replace the Blue Hill Traffic Ordinance, including designated “no parking” areas, crosswalks, traffic control signage, making Mill St. one-way and other changes.

The Select Board will hold a public hearing at its regular meeting on August 19 at 5:30pm.