CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 14th at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 14th at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 7/25 Solid Waste Committee meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Tuesday, July 25th at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, July 17th at Town Hall.
The Select Board will hold a special meeting to review tax commitment rates from the Town’s assessing agent at 4pm in Town Hall on Monday, July 10th.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 6/27 Solid Waste Committee meeting.
The playground at the Town Park off of Water Street will be removed on July 5th and replaced the week of July 10th with the new one. Please stay out of the work area and off the other equipment until construction of the new playground is completed, hopefully by July 14th.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the Select Board meeting on June 20th.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the July 3rd Select Board meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Solid Waste Committee meeting, scheduled for 4pm at the Blue Hill Town Hall.