News tagged: Policy

Did you know Business Name Registration


What is a DBA (or “Doing Business As”)? 

A DBA is a registered name that a business/individual uses to operate a business under a name that is not its legal name. Unlike LLCs and corporations which default to a company name, sole proprietors and general partnerships default to the business owner’s personal name. 

In Maine, sole proprietors and partnerships register DBAs with the clerk’s office in the town they do business in. 

Proposed Traffic Ordinance: Hearing

The Blue Hill Select Board is considering consolidating and replacing its existing traffic ordinance with an updated version. Attached is a draft of the new ordinance being considered, for which public comment is sought.

Of particular interest is the public’s feedback on the proposal to make a portion of Mill Street one way for safety purposes and on parking arrangements in the vicinity of the Falls Bridge. But there are a variety of other changes incorporated in the ordinance; interested parties are encouraged to review the entire draft.

Anyone wishing to comment the draft is invited to do so in writing (delivered to the Town Office), by email (to, or by attending a public hearing to be held at the Town Hall on Wednesday, October 2, at 6:00pm.

Proposed “Street Tree” Policy

As part of an effort to make its practices clearer and more consistent, the Select Board plans to codify its “street tree” policy—particularly which tree care costs will be borne by the Town and which will not.

The Select Board expects to consider adoption of a policy at its September 16 meeting. Prior to doing so, however, the Board hereby invites public comment on the proposed policy, either via an email to or, in person, at the September 16 Select Board meeting.

In short, proposed policy provides that the Town will pay for 100% of the costs of caring for trees on Town property and 50% of the cost of care for trees in a public right of way (with the other 50% to be paid by the property owner). Care for trees on private property outside of the public right of way are the responsibility of the private property owner.

Third-Party Donation Requests

In recent years, a range of charitable organizations have requested funding from Town taxpayers in connection with the Blue Hill Annual Town meeting.

At its Monday meeting, the Blue Hill Select Board approved minor amendments to its “Policy Regarding Town Meeting Funding Requests from Nonprofit Organizations,” which describes the process for making such requests and identifies the information requested by the Select Board and the Budget Committee as they review incoming requests and consider their recommendations to Town voters.

The form identifying the requested information is available here and via the home page.

For this year, the deadline for submitting applications is January 31, 202x. (The normal deadline under the policy is December 31 of the preceding year.)