Attached is the 5/10/23 Planning Board agenda.
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Attached is the 5/10/23 Planning Board agenda.
Attached are the approved minutes from the April 20 Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting. The Committee discussed, among other things, the status of initial drafts of the Plan chapters, the Committee’s community outreach/engagement activities, and the number of residents (and others) taking the survey.
CLICK HERE for the preliminary draft agenda for the upcoming Select Board meeting. Note: Items may be added to or removed from the agenda prior to the meeting. The minutes will be posted weekly.
*Please note that the meeting will be starting at 5pm in executive session with the public portion starting at 5:30pm*
Attached are the approved minutes from the 5/1/2023 Select Board meeting.
CLICK HERE for the preliminary draft agenda for the upcoming Select Board meeting. Note: Items may be added to or removed from the agenda prior to the meeting. The minutes will be posted weekly.
Attached are the approved minutes from the Select Board’s 4/24/2023 meeting.
Attached are the approved minutes from the April 6 Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting. The Committee discussed, among other things, plans for publicizing the Comp Plan effort at Town Meeting (both days), encouraging participating in the survey, and the status of initial drafts of the Plan chapters.
CLICK HERE for the preliminary draft agenda for the upcoming Select Board meeting. Note: Items may be added to or removed from the agenda prior to the meeting. The minutes will be posted weekly.
Attached are the approved minutes from the Select Board’s 4/18/2023 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the preliminary draft agenda for the upcoming Select Board meeting. Note: Items may be added to or removed from the agenda prior to the meeting. The minutes will be posted weekly.