Parent tag for categories associated with Town government.
Attached are the approved minutes from the Select Board’s 3/20/2023 meeting.
Town reports are now available at the Town Office.
The Annual Town Report is now available for pick up at the Town Office.
Attached are the approved minutes from the March 6th Select Board meeting.
Attached are the approved minutes from the Select Board’s 3/13/2023 meeting.
This evening’s Marine Resources Committee meeting has been cancelled due to the weather and the likely lack of a quorum. A replacement meeting may be scheduled later this month if a suitable date for committee members can be identified.
CLICK HERE for the preliminary draft agenda for the upcoming Select Board meeting. Note: items may be added to, or removed from, the agenda prior to the meeting. The minutes will be posted weekly.
After posting an interim warrant earlier this week to accommodate distribution of absentee ballots, the Town posted the full warrant to be considered at Blue Hill’s 2023 Annual Town Meeting on Friday.
Continue reading “Full Annual Town Meeting Warrant Posted”