News tagged: Public Hearings

News items announcing public hearings. These items are typically tagged with a category identifying the body holding the hearing.

Public Hearing: Blue Hill Traffic Ordinance

The Select Board is considering amending the Blue Hill Traffic Ordinance and will hold a public hearing to receive public comment on a proposal to repeal and replace the Blue Hill Traffic Ordinance, including designated “no parking” areas, crosswalks, traffic control signage, making Mill St. one-way and other changes.

The Select Board will hold a public hearing at its regular meeting on August 19 at 5:30pm.

Public Hearing Notice: Seaside Cemetery

Please join the Blue Hill Select Board May 6, 2024 at 5:45 (Town Hall),  for a hearing to discuss updated rules and regulations at the Seaside Cemetery. The topics will include what type of plantings and decorations will be allowed at individual plots, and whether or not dogs will be allowed in the cemetery. Please come and join the discussion.