News tagged: Public Hearings

News items announcing public hearings. These items are typically tagged with a category identifying the body holding the hearing.

Planning Board Public Hearing 1/11/2023


IN RE: SolAmerica Energy, LLC Proposal for Solar Energy Facility
(165 South Street, Blue Hill, Maine) (Tax Map 33 Lot 19A)

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Blue Hill Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. at the Blue Hill Town Office, 18 Union Street, Blue Hill, Maine, for the purpose of accepting additional limited public testimony on a proposal of SolAmerica to construct a large-scale solar farm.  Members of the public may attend the public hearing, but only those abutting lot owners who did not receive notice of the Planning Board’s prior public hearings held on this matter will be allowed to testify.

USDA Rural Development Funding Public Hearing

A public hearing has been scheduled for August 29th at 5:30 pm in the Meeting Room at the Blue Hill Town Hall. This hearing is a requirement for the USDA Rural Development application regarding funding for the wastewater treatment facility. The hearing will generally cover:

  • A brief description of the project
  • The cost and funding the town has applied for
  • Public questions and comments

The select board meeting will continue business directly following the hearing.

Harbor Dredging Meeting Notes

A public meeting was held on August 11 to educate the Blue Hill community on the proposed project to dredge Blue Hill Harbor to create an all-tides channel and turning basin in the harbor.

A public meeting was held on August 11 to educate the Blue Hill community on the proposed project to dredge Blue Hill Harbor to create an all-tides channel and turning basin in the harbor. 

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Harbor Dredging Public Meeting

A public meeting has been scheduled for August 11 at 5:30pm in the Gordon Emerson Auditorium in the Blue Hill Town Hall. It is hoped that this meeting will be useful to inform the Select Board as to how to proceed with the process of putting the project to a vote of the Town–including specifics as to what the Town will be asked to consider as it votes on the project (expected at the next annual Town Meeting).

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Draft Shoreland Zoning Ordinance Posted

The Planning Board has drafted an update and amendment to the Town’s Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.

A copy of the draft amendment is available here and summary of changes.

The proposed next steps are a public hearing to provide further information on the ordinance and to take any comments from the public and to seek Town approval of the amended ordinance at this year’s Annual Town Meeting.

Draft Harbor Ordinance Posted

The Select Board, in coordination with the Marine Resource Committee, has drafted a significant update and amendment to the Town’s Harbor Ordinance.

A copy of the draft amendment is available here.

The proposed next steps are a public hearing to provide further information on the ordinance and to take any comments from the public (to be scheduled in the next four weeks) and to seek Town approval of the amended ordinance at this year’s Annual Town Meeting.

Planning Board Hearing Scheduled

There will be a Planning Board hearing scheduled for February 9th, 2022 @ 5:30 to discuss the building expansion for Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held both in person (in the Auditorium at Town Hall) and via Zoom. Please refer to the call information below.

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