The results of yesterday’s Town Meeting elections and the referendum question are as follows:
Continue reading “Blue Hill 2022 Election Results”The results of yesterday’s Town Meeting elections and the referendum question are as follows:
Continue reading “Blue Hill 2022 Election Results”Although most of our communications have correctly indicated that the meeting will commence at 9:30 am on Saturday (in the Blue Hill Consolidated School Gym), the text in the official, posted Warrant indicates a 9:00 am start time. No official business will be conducted until 9:30 am. Despite this, we encourage attendees to arrive early, such as at 9:00 am. It will take some time to check everyone in (identifying Blue Hill residents entitled to vote); there will be refreshments offered for sale in the Gym, with proceeds used to benefit the Consolidated School students.
Starting Wednesday April 6th, we will no longer be open until 5:30pm. We will be closing at 4pm along with the other days. Our hours will be Monday – Thursday 8am-4pm Friday 8am-3pm.
Please note the Town office will be closing at noon, Thursday 3/31 and closed Friday 4/1 during voting. Normal hours will resume Monday 4/4 at 8am.
The Warrant for the Town’s 2022 Annual Town Meeting was posted on Thursday, together with a copy of the proposed amended and restated Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, in the lobby of the Town Hall and at the entrance of Tradewinds Marketplace. The Warrant is unchanged from the version printed in the 2021 Town Report; there have been some changes to the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance previously posted.
Continue reading “2022 Town Meeting Warrant Posted”Click Here to review the preliminary March 28 Select Board meeting agenda. Note: items may be added to, or removed from, the agenda prior to the meeting.
Click here to review the preliminary March 21 Select Board meeting agenda. Note: items may be added to, or removed from, the agenda prior to the meeting.
The annual Town Report is available for your viewing pleasure now, and hard copies can be picked up at the Town Office beginning Monday, March 21st.
The Town Office will be closed Tuesday, March 15th from 8am to 1pm for staff training.
The Planning Board has drafted an update and amendment to the Town’s Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.
A copy of the draft amendment is available here and summary of changes.
The proposed next steps are a public hearing to provide further information on the ordinance and to take any comments from the public and to seek Town approval of the amended ordinance at this year’s Annual Town Meeting.