Real Estate Tax Commitments
Real Estate Tax Commitment information is recorded each year. This document contains a list of all properties, including (among other information) owner name, assessed value of land and buildings, and current taxes.
Personal Property Tax Commitments
The Town also publishes, annually, a list of personal property used in business, including owner name and current taxes.
Map and Lot Listing
This document provides a list of lot owners, sorted by Map and Lot number.
Tax Maps
This document contains images of the tax maps used to assess real estate taxes. Each map indicates the approximate location and shape of each lot within the geographic area represented by the map, together with other geographic features (such as certain roads).
Tax Cards
Property Tax Cards (as of 2024) listed by the property’s Tax Account Number. Account numbers can be found above, on both the Real Estate Tax Commitments Alpha listing and the Map and Lot listing:
- Account #1 to Account #250
- Account #251 to Account #500
- Account #501 to Account #750
- Account #751 to Account #1000
- Account #1001 to Account #1250
- Account #1251 to Account #1500
- Account #1501 to Account #1750
- Account #1751 to Account #1760
- Account #1762 to Account #1800
- Account #1801 to Account #2050
- Account #2051 to Account #2300
- Account #2301 to Account #2550
- Account #2550 to Account #2706