The Army Corps of Engineers has informed the Town that its final report has been approved, and that the “feasibility phase” of the proposed dredging project is nearing completion. This post provides access to the full report, including exhibits.
The following links provide access to the full report. Readers may want to start with the “Detailed Project Report,” then decide what else to read. A printed copy of the report is available at the Town Office for public review.
- Detailed Project Report and Environmental Assessment (58 pages)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (60 pages)
- Appendix A: Pertinent Correspondence (122 pages)
- Appendix B: Economic Assessment (22 pages)
- Appendix C: Engineering Design (20 pages)
- Appendix D: Cost Engineering (24 pages)
- Appendix E: Real Estate Plan (24 pages)
- Appendix F: Sediment Sampling and Testing (146 pages)
- Appendix H: Suitability Determination for Dredged Material Disposal (20 pages)
- Appendix G: Essential Fisheries Habitat Assessment (20 pages)