CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 21st at Town Hall.
News items with attached agenda for an upcoming meeting. In general, each “Agenda”-tagged news item will also be tagged with the name of the body(ies) holding the meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 21st at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 14th at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 7 at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, July 31 at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Tuesday, July 25th at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, July 17th at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the 7/12/23 Planning Board meeting agenda.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the July 3rd Select Board meeting.
CLICK HERE for the agenda for the 6/14/23 Planning Board meeting.
CLICK HERE for the preliminary draft agenda for the upcoming Select Board meeting. Note: Items may be added to or removed from the agenda prior to the meeting. The minutes will be posted weekly.