CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 7/3/23 meeting.
News items containing minutes of a Board/Committee meeting. Each of these items should also be tagged with the name of the body holding the meeting.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 7/3/23 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 6/27 Solid Waste Committee meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the Select Board meeting on June 20th.
CLICK HERE for the approved Planning Board minutes from the 5/10/23 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft Select Board minutes from the 6/5/23 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 5/30 Select Board meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 5/23 Solid Waste Committee meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 5/22 Select Board meeting.
Attached are the approved minutes from the 5/15/2023 Select Board meeting.
Attached are the approved minutes from the May 4 Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting. In addition to its regular business, the Committee heard comments from the Historic [Blue Hill] District Working Group as they described their goals for the area.