CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 5/30 Select Board meeting.
News items containing minutes of a Board/Committee meeting. Each of these items should also be tagged with the name of the body holding the meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 5/30 Select Board meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 5/23 Solid Waste Committee meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 5/22 Select Board meeting.
Attached are the approved minutes from the 5/15/2023 Select Board meeting.
Attached are the approved minutes from the May 4 Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting. In addition to its regular business, the Committee heard comments from the Historic [Blue Hill] District Working Group as they described their goals for the area.
Attached are the approved minutes from the 5/8/2023 Select Board meeting.
Attached are the approved planning board minutes from the 3/8/23 meeting.
Attached are the approved minutes from the April 20 Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting. The Committee discussed, among other things, the status of initial drafts of the Plan chapters, the Committee’s community outreach/engagement activities, and the number of residents (and others) taking the survey.
Attached are the approved minutes from the 5/1/2023 Select Board meeting.
Attached are the approved minutes from the Select Board’s 4/24/2023 meeting.