News tagged: Government

Parent tag for categories associated with Town government.

Select Board Offers to Purchase BHCS-related Land

The Select Board voted on November 6, 2023, to offer to purchase from George Stevens Academy approximately 38.5 acres of land underlying and adjacent to the Town’s Blue Hill Consolidated School.  This offer, if accepted, would allow the Town to fully control its BHCS property and would make additional acreage available for recreation, expansion, or other Town needs. Having received an appraisal of the property, the Select Board voted to offer 100% of the appraised value, or $95,000, subject to customary terms and conditions, including the affirmative vote of the Town.

The full offer letter, which describes the property and notes some of the relevant valuation considerations, can be found here.

GSA Offer Letter

11/13/23 – South Street Sidewalk Forum

The MDOT project manager for the South Street sidewalk project will attend (virtually) Monday’s Select Board meeting to provide an update on the status of the project, hear public comments on the work to date, and answer questions from the Select Board and the community about the reasons for the delayed completion, MDOT’s plans for completing the work this year, and other matters related to this long-delayed project.  It is expected that the forum will be one of the first items to be addressed during the Select Board meeting, which begins at 5:30pm.