CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 9/5/2023 meeting.
Parent tag for categories associated with Town government.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 9/5/2023 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 8/29/2023 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 8/28/2023 meeting.
As a reminder, the Comprehensive Plan Committee is holding a public meeting to discuss all things water in Blue Hill—preservation of drinking water resources, access to fresh and salt water, the Town wharves, and more!
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 8/21/2023 meeting.
Click here for the draft Select Board agenda for the August 28 meeting.
The draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 28 will be posted here by 9am Monday.
In a press release issued today, the Select Board announced that Julie Atwell will join Town staff as Town Administrator, effective on or about September 29, 2023. Ms. Atwell has been Town Administrator in Jackson, NH for more than ten years and brings substantial experience relevant to Blue Hill.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 21st at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 8/12/2023 meeting.