CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 8/7/2023 meeting.
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CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 8/7/2023 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 14th at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 8/5/23 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 7/31/23 meeting.
Attached are the approved minutes from the July 20 Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting.
The meeting included discussion of the draft goals, objectives, and strategies for the Water Resources and Marine Resources chapters.
Attached are the approved minutes from the June 29 Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting.
The meeting included discussion of the ongoing efforts to engage with a broad and representative group of community members and a review of the draft goals, objectives, and strategies for the Housing and Economy chapters.
Attached are the approved minutes from the May 18 Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting. The meeting included discussion of the process for reviewing the various chapter drafts and the Committee’s efforts to maximize community engagement and feedback on the plan as it takes shape (including survey responses, sessions to discuss the chapter topic areas, and more general sessions—both large and small—to obtain community feedback on how the Town might develop over the next decade.
The Select Board has prepared a mid-year report on various town matters that we thought would be of interest to Town residents and taxpayers. If you didn’t see the report in the Weekly Packet, a copy is available here.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 7 at Town Hall.
There were a gratifying number of respondents taking the Comprehensive Plan community survey just before the official July 31 deadline, so we’ve decided to keep the survey open through this Sunday, August 6.
This will be important input into the Town’s comprehensive plan and will also provide interesting insights about the priorities and perspectives of your neighbors.
Continue reading “Last Chance for Comp Plan Survey!”