CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 5/23 Solid Waste Committee meeting.
Parent tag for categories associated with Town government.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 5/23 Solid Waste Committee meeting.
CLICK HERE for the preliminary draft agenda for the upcoming Select Board meeting. Note: Items may be added to or removed from the agenda prior to the meeting. The minutes will be posted weekly.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 5/22 Select Board meeting.
CLICK HERE for the preliminary draft agenda for the upcoming Select Board meeting. Note: Items may be added to or removed from the agenda prior to the meeting. The minutes will be posted weekly.
Please note that the meeting will be starting at 5pm in executive session with the public portion starting at 5:30pm
Attached are the approved minutes from the 5/15/2023 Select Board meeting.
Attached are the approved minutes from the May 4 Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting. In addition to its regular business, the Committee heard comments from the Historic [Blue Hill] District Working Group as they described their goals for the area.
The Blue Hill Comprehensive Plan Committee will host a community discussion focused on three areas of the comprehensive plan at the Farmhouse Inn, Blue Hill, on Tuesday, May 23 from 5 to 7 pm.
This event, one of several planned, will be an opportunity for Blue Hill residents and business owners to contribute their comments, knowledge and ideas on how the comprehensive plan could help respond to the needs of the Blue Hill community.
The conversation at this event will focus on three specific areas: housing, economy and population. Discussions will focus on steps to improve the housing and economic needs in our area, and the kinds of policies that might help reach those goals. Future events will cover other areas of the plan, including natural and marine resources, climate change and land use. All business owners and Blue Hill residents are encouraged to participate in all of these discussions.
Having a state-approved comprehensive plan is a threshold requirement for an increasing number of state grants and programs. Without a comprehensive plan, developed to state standards, Blue Hill may lose funding opportunities. These are parts of the plan that are required to be addressed per the guidelines in order for the State of Maine and the Blue Hill community to pass the plan.
Everyone is invited to attend. For more information about this work, see the comprehensive plan page at or contact any committee member.
CLICK HERE for the preliminary draft agenda for the upcoming Select Board meeting. Note: Items may be added to or removed from the agenda prior to the meeting. The minutes will be posted weekly.
Attached are the approved minutes from the 5/8/2023 Select Board meeting.
Attached are the approved planning board minutes from the 3/8/23 meeting.