News tagged: Roads and Sidewalks

For more information on Blue Hill’s roads and sidewalks (closure notices, parking, weight postings, etc.) and the role of our Road Commissioner, click Roads and Sidewalks.


The Maine DOT roadwork in the Blue Hill Village will start up again with, some night work will start at about 6:30pm Sunday the 26th and last for about a week in the roundabout area with some night striping of the completed road areas and some other day work in various places.

Other road lines, some of which the town has done, crosswalks and some revised signage for them will be coming soon. There will be some minor location adjustments and permanent crosswalk signage in key locations including one blinking crosswalk sign like on Tenny Hill when we can get that completed.

Main St. Paving completion – Pleasant St to the Fairgrounds will start up in late July. The bad section near the Post Office has been patched.

South Street Sidewalk: Work will begin just after the 4th of July and go for 6 weeks. The work will start at the end of the sidewalk by First Bank and extend just past the Bay School. ALL of the work will be on that side of the road except a 2 day (night only) move of the flashing lights near the school crosswalk.

East Blue Hill Road Ditching and culvert work in underway. Will hopefully address heavy rain and winter drainage issues that have caused a lot of thick ice in the last few years.

Falls Bridge Road – Repaving starts towards the end of July!

2021-22 Plow Bids Sought

The Town of Blue Hill is accepting plow bids for the 2021-2022 season. Bids should be submitted to the Town Hall no later than September 1, 2021. Please mail bids to 18 Union St. Blue Hill, Me 04614 to be considered.

Click here to view the bid information.

For more information, please call 374-2281 or email the municipal clerk.