Draft Shoreland Zoning Ordinance Posted

The Planning Board has drafted an update and amendment to the Town’s Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.

A copy of the draft amendment is available here and summary of changes.

The proposed next steps are a public hearing to provide further information on the ordinance and to take any comments from the public and to seek Town approval of the amended ordinance at this year’s Annual Town Meeting.

Draft Harbor Ordinance Posted

The Select Board, in coordination with the Marine Resource Committee, has drafted a significant update and amendment to the Town’s Harbor Ordinance.

A copy of the draft amendment is available here.

The proposed next steps are a public hearing to provide further information on the ordinance and to take any comments from the public (to be scheduled in the next four weeks) and to seek Town approval of the amended ordinance at this year’s Annual Town Meeting.

Town Office Closure

The Blue Hill Town Office will be closed from 8:00am to 1:00pm on February 16 and 17 for staff training.

The office will be open for business as usual at 1:00pm on both days.

Town Meeting Absentee Ballots


Town Meeting Absentee ballot requests are now available and can be requested by telephone (207-374-2281) or by email (sshaffer@bluehillme.gov). (When emailing, please provide your full legal name, date of birth, physical and mailing addresses and phone number. Requests without this information may delay your ballot.)

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