The Budget Committee will meet Friday March 7, 2025 @ 9:00am in the Select Board room at the Town Hall.
Continue reading “Budget Committee Meeting”To see a description of the committee’s charter, recent news, and upcoming meetings (if any) one one page, click Budget Committee.
The Budget Committee will meet Friday March 7, 2025 @ 9:00am in the Select Board room at the Town Hall.
Continue reading “Budget Committee Meeting”In recent years, a range of charitable organizations have requested funding from Town taxpayers in connection with the Blue Hill Annual Town meeting.
At its Monday meeting, the Blue Hill Select Board approved minor amendments to its “Policy Regarding Town Meeting Funding Requests from Nonprofit Organizations,” which describes the process for making such requests and identifies the information requested by the Select Board and the Budget Committee as they review incoming requests and consider their recommendations to Town voters.
The form identifying the requested information is available here and via the home page.
For this year, the deadline for submitting applications is January 31, 202x. (The normal deadline under the policy is December 31 of the preceding year.)
The Annual Town Report is now available for pick up at the Town Office.
The Budget Review Committee (BRC) will meet at Blue Hill Town Hall on October 4 @ 6:30pm. Representatives from the George Stevens Academy (GSA) Finance Committee will be attending and presenting their final draft budget for 2022-23.
The BRC is comprised of town-appointed representatives from Surry, Penobscot, Sedgwick, Brooklin, Brooksville, Castine, and Blue Hill who work with George Stevens Academy in the formulation and development of the GSA annual budget. Committee goals include improving transparency and accountability of the GSA funds derived from the towns taxpayer, reviewing revenue input and expenditures, monitoring and making recommendations, inputs, and/or comments as appropriate in the development of the GSA budget.
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If you are interested in volunteering for the Budget Committee, please call the Town Office (374-2281) or email the Town Administrator. Appointments to the committee are for a 3 year term and there are 2-3 seats open.