News tagged: Planning Board

To see a description of the board’s charter, recent news, and upcoming meetings (if any) one one page, click Planning Board.

2022 Town Meeting Warrant Posted

The Warrant for the Town’s 2022 Annual Town Meeting was posted on Thursday, together with a copy of the proposed amended and restated Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, in the lobby of the Town Hall and at the entrance of Tradewinds Marketplace. The Warrant is unchanged from the version printed in the 2021 Town Report; there have been some changes to the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance previously posted.

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Draft Shoreland Zoning Ordinance Posted

The Planning Board has drafted an update and amendment to the Town’s Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.

A copy of the draft amendment is available here and summary of changes.

The proposed next steps are a public hearing to provide further information on the ordinance and to take any comments from the public and to seek Town approval of the amended ordinance at this year’s Annual Town Meeting.

Planning Board Hearing Scheduled

There will be a Planning Board hearing scheduled for February 9th, 2022 @ 5:30 to discuss the building expansion for Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held both in person (in the Auditorium at Town Hall) and via Zoom. Please refer to the call information below.

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