Select Board meeting with the LHO/LPI regarding the sewer ordinance. Join meeting on event tab.
Select Board meeting with the LHO/LPI regarding the sewer ordinance. Join meeting on event tab.
With the assistance of funding from DECDs Housing Opportunity Program, HCPC has been working on various housing initiatives over the past year, such as workshops and educational outreach, assisting towns with their comprehensive plans and ordinance updates for LD 2003 compliance, and conducting a countywide housing needs assessment. The latter is planned on being completed this fall.
As part of this assessment we created a survey that we are encouraging all Hancock County households to take, to offer residents the opportunity to provide their thoughts and needs regarding housing in the county.
Here is the link to the survey:
Thank you,
Greg Piduch, Regional Planner and the “housing guy” at the Hancock County Planning Commission
Click here for the Select Board agenda.
Request online now:
Click here for the Select Board agenda.
VOTER REGISTRATION IN-PERSON: The Registrar’s (Clerk) office at Town Hall will be open late on Monday, October 28th until 7 p.m. for the purpose of registering new voters and updating addresses of active voters. You may also come into the Town Office during normal business hours and on the election date (11/5) as well.
Click here for Online Property Tax Payments
***Please note when selecting City/Town select “Town of Blue Hill”***
Town Office will be closed 8am-12pm on 10/9 for training.