News tagged: Presentations

News items containing a presentation from a meeting. The news item should also be tagged with the name of the body(ies) holding the meeting.

Press Release * Blue Hill Comprehensive Plan

Blue Hill Comprehensive Plan Presentation, Tuesday February 18 at Consolidated School

The Blue Hill Comprehensive Plan, which will go on the ballot of the April 4 Town Meeting, is being presented at a community information session this Tuesday, February 18th at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Blue Hill Consolidated School.

Plan Committee members will provide an overview of the goals of the plan, with a question & answer session. This is the first information session before the Town Meeting, with a second to be held in the same place on Thursday, March 20th.

* * *

Press Contact: Diana Page,


The End of Toddy Pond?

Public Meeting at Maine Maritime Academy’s training facility in Bucksport on Thursday, November 14 at 5:00pm (details)


As you may be aware, Toddy Pond is what it is because of a dam in Orland that maintains the water level. This dam, originally associated with the paper mill in Bucksport, is now the subject of a petition by Bucksport Mill LLC has petitioned the DEP for permission to abandon the dam. Two other dams (creating Alamoosook Lake and Silver Lake) are also proposed to be abandoned.

In the event a new owner (prepared to maintain the dam(s) going forward) is not identified, Maine DEP’s preferred action is apparently to order release of the water held by the dam, which would all but drain the three water bodies.

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Property Tax Revaluation Data

At last Monday’s Select Board meeting, the Select Board indicated that it would try to make available, in an accessible format, more information about the 2024 property revaluation.

Attached is an Excel worksheet with comparative data, for each property in Blue Hill (identified by Map and Lot number). It shows the 2023 and 2024 taxable property valuations as well as an estimate of what the 2024 taxes on each property will be.


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Harbor Dredging Meeting Notes

A public meeting was held on August 11 to educate the Blue Hill community on the proposed project to dredge Blue Hill Harbor to create an all-tides channel and turning basin in the harbor.

A public meeting was held on August 11 to educate the Blue Hill community on the proposed project to dredge Blue Hill Harbor to create an all-tides channel and turning basin in the harbor. 

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Broadband Committee Issues Status Report

The Blue Hill Broadband Committee, together with the Broadband Committees of Brooksville, Deer Isle, and Penobscot, issued a report on the status of the four towns’ efforts to bring broadband internet to every location in their municipalities.  

The report is available at this link.  It is organized so the first four pages provide a summary of the process and recommendations; the remainder of the report is detail for those who want to pursue a deeper dive into the committees’ work.