News tagged: Select Board

To see a description of the board’s charter, recent news, and upcoming meetings (if any) one one page, click Select Board.

Town Sidewalks & Curbs

The Town is not responsible for immediately clearing snow and/or ice from the sidewalks following a storm. Home and business owners should help keep the sidewalks in front of their own property entrance clear. Any Blue Hill resident or business owner is welcome to a five gallon bucket of salt/sand at the town sand shed.

Toddy Pond Dam Meeting: 2/12

A public information and feedback session will be held on Wednesday, February 12 to:

  • provide an update on the process for considering ownership of the Toddy Pond dam,
  • answer questions about the status of the effort, and
  • most importantly, solicit community input on how potential ownership of the dam should be structured and who should bear the costs of ownership

Feedback from this session will inform the Blue Hill Select Board, and the other three towns abutting Toddy Pond, as to the community’s views on:

  • Whether the dam should remain or the waters forming Toddy Pond released, and
  • If the dam is retained, how costs of ownership should be apportioned between property owners and general Blue Hill taxpayers.

All members of the community are invited to attend to share their input.

For more information about the developments surrounding Toddy Pond, please visit this page.