Click here for the 12/4/23 draft Select Board agenda.
Click here for the 12/4/23 draft Select Board agenda.
Click here for the approved Select Board minutes from the 11/20/23 meeting.
Click here for the approved Select Board minutes from the 11/13/23 meeting.
Well Water Test Kits will be available for purchase for Blue Hill residents at the Town Hall on 11/30 and 12/1 – call the town office now to reserve your kit! The test kit includes a full water test, testing for arsenic, other natural elements, and typical bacteria counts. Blue Hill is working with the Maine State Lab who will call and discuss the results of the tests with the homeowner.
Event: Blue Hill Well Water Testing Day
Dates: Pick up well water test kits at Town Hall on Thursday 11/30 or Friday 12/01. Test must be done the morning of Monday 12/04 and brought back to town hall for delivery to laboratory.
Type of Test: Well Evaluation Kit will test for Coliform Bacteria & E. coli (pos/neg), Nitrate, Nitrite, Fluoride, Chloride, pH, Hardness, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Uranium, Arsenic, Calcium and Magnesium. This type of test is recommended every three to five years for private wells.
Important: please call the Town Office at 207-374-5192 to reserve your kit. This will help us have enough kits on hand for testing.
Cost and Follow Up: the cost for this test is $127.00. Acceptable payment will be a check made out to the State of Maine. If your test results show an elevated value or risk for one of the tested elements, you may consult with the Maine CDC Staff for explanation of the test results.
The Select Board voted on November 6, 2023, to offer to purchase from George Stevens Academy approximately 38.5 acres of land underlying and adjacent to the Town’s Blue Hill Consolidated School. This offer, if accepted, would allow the Town to fully control its BHCS property and would make additional acreage available for recreation, expansion, or other Town needs. Having received an appraisal of the property, the Select Board voted to offer 100% of the appraised value, or $95,000, subject to customary terms and conditions, including the affirmative vote of the Town.
The full offer letter, which describes the property and notes some of the relevant valuation considerations, can be found here.
This serves as a notification that the Blue Hill Falls Bridge, Route 175 over the Salt Pond Outlet, will be closing on Monday November 27th and will reopen on or about Thursday December 7th. Traffic will be detoured to Routes 175 and 172.
CLICK HERE for the approved minutes from the 6/14/23 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 8/5/23 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 7/31/23 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the minutes from the 7/17/23 Select Board meeting.