Harbor Dredging Public Meeting

A public meeting has been scheduled for August 11 at 5:30pm in the Gordon Emerson Auditorium in the Blue Hill Town Hall. It is hoped that this meeting will be useful to inform the Select Board as to how to proceed with the process of putting the project to a vote of the Town–including specifics as to what the Town will be asked to consider as it votes on the project (expected at the next annual Town Meeting).

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MRC Meeting Agenda

The Marine Resources Committee’s monthly meeting will be held on August 1, 2022 at 6:30pm in the Select Board Room in Town Hall.

The following topics are to be discussed:

  • Harbormaster report on facilities (Village and South Blue Hill wharves)
  • Village wharf crane repair
  • Preliminary results of inventory of Blue Hill moorings; discussion about future enforcement and treatment of unpermitted moorings
  • Preliminary discussion of mooring permit fees for 2023
  • Preparation for Harbor Dredging public meeting–scheduled for August 11

Select Board Assignments Identified

As a way to share the newly expanded Blue Hill Select Board’s workload and to increase the Board’s depth of knowledge about the full range of matters for which the Board is responsible, the Select Board has identified primary areas of responsibility for each member.

While these assignments are by no means exclusive, the intent is that the primarily responsible Board member will be the most knowledgeable on a given subject and should generally be the first point of contact with comments or questions relating to that subject.

Here is the list of subject areas and the primarily responsible Select Board member(s) for each:

Subject AreaSelect Board Member(s)
EducationSean Dooley
FacilitiesButler Smythe
FinanceScott Miller
Land Use/PlanningJim Dow
Scott Miller
Marine ResourcesScott Miller
PersonnelEllen Best
Public SafetyButler Smythe
RoadsButler Smythe
Septic/Wastewater TreatmentSean Dooley
Solid Waste/Transfer StationEllen Best
Jim Dow
Scott Miller


Select Board Executive Session

The Select Board expects to meet, primarily in executive session to discuss personnel matters, at 1:00 pm on Sunday, April 10, in the Select Board Room at Town Hall. Action may be taken upon exiting the executive session.

Saturday Open Town Meeting: 9:30am Start

Although most of our communications have correctly indicated that the meeting will commence at 9:30 am on Saturday (in the Blue Hill Consolidated School Gym), the text in the official, posted Warrant indicates a 9:00 am start time. No official business will be conducted until 9:30 am. Despite this, we encourage attendees to arrive early, such as at 9:00 am. It will take some time to check everyone in (identifying Blue Hill residents entitled to vote); there will be refreshments offered for sale in the Gym, with proceeds used to benefit the Consolidated School students.