Attached is the 5/10/23 Planning Board agenda.
To see a description of the board’s charter, recent news, and upcoming meetings (if any) one one page, click Planning Board.
Attached is the 5/10/23 Planning Board agenda.
April 12th Planning Board meeting has been cancelled.
Nomination papers are available at the Town Office. They have to be returned by Monday February 3rd 5:30pm.
Open seats:
2 Selectboard
2 Planning board
1 Schoolboard
IN RE: SolAmerica Energy, LLC Proposal for Solar Energy Facility
(165 South Street, Blue Hill, Maine) (Tax Map 33 Lot 19A)
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Blue Hill Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. at the Blue Hill Town Office, 18 Union Street, Blue Hill, Maine, for the purpose of accepting additional limited public testimony on a proposal of SolAmerica to construct a large-scale solar farm. Members of the public may attend the public hearing, but only those abutting lot owners who did not receive notice of the Planning Board’s prior public hearings held on this matter will be allowed to testify.