CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 7/25 Solid Waste Committee meeting.
Parent tag for categories associated with Town government.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the 7/25 Solid Waste Committee meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft minutes from the July 25, 2023 Select Board meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, July 31 at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Tuesday, July 25th at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the minutes from the 7/17/23 Select Board meeting.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 7/12/2023 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 7/10/23 meeting.
CLICK HERE for the draft agenda for the Select Board meeting on Monday, July 17th at Town Hall.
CLICK HERE for the approved Select Board minutes from the 7/3/23 meeting.
This evening’s Marine Resources Committee meeting has been postponed until next Tuesday, July 18. The rescheduled meeting will be added to the Town calendar when the details as to time and location are set.